Our Elders
- The body of elders is called the Session.
- Elders serve as leaders in the government and discipline of our church as well as having responsibilities for the life of the Church at large.
- It is the duty of elders, individually and jointly, to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of our congregation.
- Those duties which all Christians are bound to perform by the law of love are especially incumbent upon elders because of their calling to office and are to be fulfilled by them as official responsibilities.
- Our elders serve on ministry teams and administrative committees within the church including worship, education, mission, finance, and human resources. These groups typically meet on the second Monday of each month, Kirk Night. The fourth Monday, our Session meets to conduct church business.
Crossroads Elders/Session
Class of 2027 | Class of 2026 | Class of 2025 |
Jon Carlson (Worship) Email Jon | Jeff Clark (Human Resources) Email Jeff | Jack Dobson (Adult Ed) Email Jack |
John Gustafson (Adult Ed) Email John | Barbara Janssen (Church Life) Email Barbara | Erin Gibowski (Church Life) Email Erin |
Karen Patten (Finance/Foundation) Email Karen | Tyler Steck (Children & Family) Email Tyler | Robin Johnson (Children & Family) Email Robin |
Steve Skowbo (Finance/Stewardship) Email Steve | Joann Steidinger (Mission) Email Joann | Trudy Lampen (Human Resources) Email Trudy |
Joey Sulsberger (Mission) Email Joey | Kevin McGowan (Youth) Email Kevin |
Moderator: Rev. Susan Sytsma Bratt | Clerk of Session: Cathy Sanders Treasurer: Mark Laux | Youth Elder Olivia Johnson (Youth) One-year term |