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Children Grieve, Too – Helping Children Cope with Grief (document)
Here are some recommended authors and books (some are available in our Library):
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
“The Cost of Discipleship”
“Life Together”
Brueggemann, Walter
“The Covenanted Self”
“The Land: Place as gift, promise and challenge in Biblical faith”
“The Prophetic Imagination”
“Sabbath as Resistance: Saying no to the culture of now”
Cavanaugh, William”
“Being Consumed: Economics and Christian desire“
“Torture and Eucharist: Theology, politics and the Body of Christ”
Claiborne, Shane
“Irresistible Revolution: Living as an ordinary radical”
“Red Letter Revolution: What if Jesus really meant what he said”
Lohfink, Gerhard
“Does God Need the Church: Toward a theology of the people of God”
McLaren, Brian
“A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I am a missional, evangelical, post/protestant, liberal/conservative . . . ”
“Everything Must Change – when the world’s biggest problems and Jesus Good News collide”
Miles, Sara
“Take this Bread: A radical conversion”
Myers, Ched
“Binding the Strong Man: A Political reading of Mark’s story of Jesus”
Sanders, James
“Torah and Canon”
Sider, Ron
“Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from affluence to generosity”
Stearns, Richard
“The Hole in our Gospel: What might God expect from us?”
Washington, James
“A Testament of Hope: The essential writings and speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Wink, Walter
“Jesus and Nonviolence: A third way”
Yoder, Dwight Howard
“The Politics of Jesus”
“Body Politics: Five practices of the Christian community before the watching world”