Greet worshippers with your warm smile and welcoming word, as they arrive for worship on Sundays and for special events. Invite a friend to join you, or bring your entire family to welcome people to Crossroads during the 15 minutes prior to the service. Contact: Cathy Sanders
Coffee Crew
Prepare and serve coffee in the Gathering Area after a worship service and other events.
Contact: Afia Allen
Welcome Center
Staff the Welcome Center for only 15 minutes before and after a worship service to assist in welcoming visitors and providing information to worshipers. Take home visitor welcome bags are available at the Welcome Center.
Contact: Anna Langholz
Kitchen Helpers
Have fun in the kitchen with food prep, table setting, serving, and cleaning up after the meal. Sign up for the Kitchen Helper serving role on Realm or contact Afia to find upcoming events you can help with and share your availability.
Contact: Afia Allen