Vacation Bible School

Each summer the Crossroads family pools its talent and resources to provide a high-quality Vacation Bible School for the children of Crossroads AND the surrounding community! It’s a week full of music, outdoor game time, craft projects and more. Each day, we explore a Bible story and learn a verse of scripture.

Thanks for a great week at VBS 2024! We can’t wait until next June!

VBS, 9:00 a.m. to noon
$25.00 per student
Vacation Bible School is for children who have completed 3K (must be potty trained) through grade 4. It’s a week packed with singing, outdoor game time, crafts, and science experiments! Each day, we explore a Bible story and learn a verse of scripture.


VBX, 9:00 a.m. to noon
$25.00 per student
VBX is for children in grades 5 and 6 during the 2023-24 school year. Meet up each day for team-building games, Bible time, and fun!



Youth Volunteer Work Crew
$15.00 per student
VBS work crew is for students in grades 7-12 during the 2023-24 school year. This critical team serves as crew leaders, musicians, crafts or games helpers, and more. After VBS each day, the work crew debriefs and has time to hang out over lunch.


Adult Volunteers

  • Crew Leaders: Shepherd a small group of children to their stations and do the activities along with them!
  • Crew Assistants: Help your Crew Leader and students have a great day at VBS and build connections with the youngest members of our community!
  • Kitchen Helpers: Make and serve yummy snacks to fuel our busy VBS kids!


Keeping our Kids and Volunteers Safe
All our VBS volunteers will be asked to attend a VBS training and go through the process outlined in the Crossroads Child Protection Plan, as all adults work with children and alongside youth volunteers during VBS.

    • Returning volunteers are asked to renew their background check, re-familiarize themselves with the protection plan, and complete an online safety training every two years. Your materials may already be current at the time of VBS; if not, you will receive instructions from Crossroads staff.
    • First-time volunteers are asked to demonstrate a personal commitment to Crossroads by being a member in good standing for a minimum of 6 months or by having a child enrolled and actively participating in a Crossroads program for at least one semester prior to volunteering. A Crossroads staff member will meet with you to learn more about your interests and talents, and help you find a great place to plug into our ministries!
Special Events during VBS

Family Fun Night
Thursday of VBS week

VBS families, join us for a free grilled supper! Bring chairs or a blanket and picnic outside the church. Bounce house, games, freeze pops, and VBS music.

Celebration Sunday
During 9:00 a.m. worship the Sunday after VBS week

Celebrate VBS during worship! We’ll share our songs and dances and what we learned about God’s faithfulness and goodness! Not a Crossroads member? No problem! You are welcome to join us, and your children have an important part in leading worship! The congregation will also be challenged to match the VBS children’s donation to their mission partner.


Contact: Christa Middleton Director of Children and Family Ministry
LIKE US on our VBS Facebook Page and follow the FUN!