Wednesday Nights

Crossroads Station
Two Wednesdays a month, 6:00–7:00 p.m.

Children in K4-grade 5, meet us for Crossroads Station on Wednesday nights! Parents and caregivers are always welcome to stay and join the fun, and younger siblings can come along too if a parent stays with them!

March 19: Superhero Night
Dress as your favorite superhero! Play hero games and meet God’s heroes of the New Testament! Learn how you can become one, too! Sign up here

Spring Musical: Rehearse Wednesdays, April 2-May 7 (no rehearsal April 16)
Children age 4-grade 5, join the cast of “Faith News,” a heavenly news broadcast originating inside the Pearly Gates, hosted by two angelic News Anchors and bringing some of your favorite Bible Stories to life! Sign up here